
Showing posts with the label cancer


pub-3598274830417866 Fifteen years back, a frail 59 years old man was referred to me by a physician. He was a poor man, habituated to tobacco for years. He walked in with a mortal fear of the white patches in his mouth. He dreaded that he had cancer. His deep, sunken eyes spoke a lot more about his fear that his words couldn't do justice to.   This is a story of a patient who touched my life beautifully...   I medicated and counselled him. It didn't take much efforts to convince him on giving up tobacco. Three weeks down the line he had kicked his addiction. I got to know that he had little money for the medicines that i prescribed. His sons didn't get along well with him. He was a severely stressed man with little resources and even lesser hope.   Despite being called for follow up every 15 days, he used to turn up every fifth ..sixth day. I realised the fear of an imagined 'Cancer' was lurking in his mind. I stopped charging him and always helped him with whatever...