His deep, sunken eyes closed in solace as he sat in a corner of the temple, his trembling hands folded in reverence to the God that he so loved. The chiming of the bells, the cacaphony of the traffic on the street outside and the steady stream of devotees jostling for a vision of the Diety, none could interrupt the profound connection that he instantly bridged with the Lord to whom he always came running to in times of distress. He could instantly feel the calmness seeping in his mind and heart now in contrast to that horrible feeling of a gaping hole in his chest, like a hollow ring of fire burning like hell and that pain, so sharp, that it would rip the heart into pieces, that darkness of the soul, ready to suck in his every little happiness that he felt a little while ago. He now felt freed from the desire of death that he so mistakenly felt that would give him freedom from life. In a few moments of connecting with the divine, things seemed brighter, hope started shadowing des...